Bluetooth Scoreboard

Your own digital LED powered scoreboard with built-in games, remote control and free app!

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Scoreboard product

What you get

As a sport fan you enjoy playing a game with friends, you enjoy it so much you forget about the score.
With this digital scoreboard there is no discussion, just use the remote controle in your pocket to count up the numbers and see who is winning.

With the build-in battery you can place your scoreboard everywhere you want.
The unit comes with pre-programmed games for tennis, padel, badminton, soccer, hockey, volleyball,... more games and options are available in the free app for iOS and Android.

Let the games begin


Battery powered

With the internal battery you can play up to 8hrs, you can even charge up your phone!


Built-in bluetooth low energy 4.0 for wireless communication.

Free app

Free app available for Android and iOS to control your scorebord from a smartphone or tablet.


Wireless control

Controle your scoreboard with our luxury remote.


Integrated stopwatch to keep track of elapsed time.


The LED panel has a dimension of 25,5cm (width) x 12,6cm (heigth) x 4,5cm (depth).

Download Free app

Get full advantage of your scoreboard and use it in combination with our free app available for Android and iOS.

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Make your choise between our different models.

Scoreboard Basic


Only the buttons

€99 VAT incl.

Basic model, you can only controle the scoreboard with the buttons on the device.

Remote controlled
Works with free app

Scoreboard Remote


With luxury remote

€119 VAT incl.

With our luxury remote you can controle the scoreboard from everywhere on the playfield.

Remote controlled
Works with free app



Remote and bluetooth

€149 VAT incl.

Includes our luxury remote and build-in bluetooth to control your scoreboard with the app and from everywhere on the playfield.

Remote controlled
Works with free app



Charging station

€59 VAT incl.

Charge up to 4 scoreboards at once by just dropping them into the dockingstation.


Combopack remote

4x scoreboard remote + docking

€499 VAT incl.

Combopack advantage with 4 scoreboards + remote and docking station

Remote controlled
Works with free app


Combopack bluetooth

4x scoreboard bluetooth + docking

€599 VAT incl.

Combopack advantage with 4 scoreboards, remote, bluetooth functionality and docking station

Remote controlled
Works with free app


We invested in a scoreboard for each of our tennis courts. The remote is easy to carry in your pocket, even when running during a rally. When you win, just push the button on the remote and the scoreboard does the rest. It counts your points and when you win the set it automatically counts up your set points. You have more time to play and there is no need to worry about remembering your score. It even indicates who needs to serve!

Kris Fierens

Kris Fierens

Chairman, Tennisclub

When playing soccer with my friends we always forget to count the score, we argue who is winning. I got this scoreboard as a present and finally we know who is winning the game!

Nele Luyten

Nele Luyten

Teenager, Soccer fan

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